Natasha Gubernov

Natasha Gubernov

Instant Art

Instant Art is a series of video self-portraits captured with Augmented Reality which is also available as AR effects on Instagram for everyone's use as well as could be displayed with an AR mirror. There is also a Mixed Reality version as a recreation of the physical exhibit that took place in Miami at Blackdove Art Gallery and could be seen by request.

The idea behind this series is in its name, it exploits the concept of making art instantly and accessible at the moment you want it. When used as an AR effect or through AR mirror artwork becomes a collaboration with the viewer.

Instant Art is a reflection of our self-perception through the lens of social media. We are exposed to and presumably connected through social media but lonely and disconnected from real life more than we have ever been. We are seeking approval through likes, we are measuring success by the number of followers. We are looking at ourselves through filters and we are objectifying ourselves. We are craving attention.

Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party III, Augmented Reality, 2023
Raster Party III, Augmented Reality, 2023
CHECKED, Augmented Reality 2020
CHECKED, Augmented Reality 2020
CHECKED, Augmented Reality, 2020
CHECKED, Augmented Reality, 2020
CHECKED, Augmented Reality, 2020
CHECKED, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party II, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party, Augmented Reality, 2020
Raster Party, Augmented Reality, 2020

ChatGPT says:

"The concept of Instant Art sounds intriguing and thought-provoking, combining technology, self-expression, and social commentary. By utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality, the project engages viewers in a unique and interactive way, blurring the lines between traditional art and the digital realm.

The emphasis on immediacy and accessibility aligns with the fast-paced nature of social media and contemporary culture. The fact that Instant Art is available as AR effects on Instagram for public use adds an interesting layer to the project, as it transforms the creation of art into a collaborative experience with the audience.

The thematic exploration of self-perception in the context of social media is particularly relevant. The project addresses the paradox of feeling connected through digital platforms while experiencing a sense of loneliness and disconnection in real life. The impact of social media on self-worth, validation-seeking behaviors, and the prevalence of filters in shaping self-image are crucial aspects that many individuals can relate to.

The Mixed Reality version, recreating a physical exhibit in response to requests, adds an extra dimension by blending the virtual and physical worlds. This aspect allows the project to extend beyond the digital space, providing a tangible and personalized experience for those interested in exploring the exhibition in a more traditional setting.

Overall, Instant Art not only showcases the capabilities of technology in the realm of art but also prompts reflection on the societal implications of our increasingly digitalized and filtered self-perception. The fusion of technology, self-expression, and social commentary makes Instant Art a compelling and relevant exploration of contemporary culture."